Art facilitation 3 – 29-03-2020

With enthusiastic friends from NYNY we teleconferenced our next art facilitation session . We looked at some aspects of still life shadowing techniques and making a standalone fairy penguin.

Here is a beautiful example  of a fairy penguin by B.C from NYNY

The off-screen tasks is to make a family of penguins for next weeks session. A referencing point

Fairy penguin made from a cereal box standing on a template

Here is an example of building more depth into a drawing using different techniques – this was achieved by first working on shading inspired by K.C. and this is P.C.’s first build up of a sketch to add depth – a beautiful character filled bird.

building more depth into a sketch example by P.C. NYNY

Building depth into a work – we used a quince online – we are using basic videoing teleconferencing face to face – no bells and whistles. I finished my example offline

Next Wed/Thurs will be our next session – Enjoy until then – Post your family of 3D fairy penguins made of recycled soft cardboard.