A few times a week as we bunker down in the COVD-19 world I hope to post my thinking’s and workings. You can follow as a guide if you choose. I will also be available for video conferencing during the week where you can talk about your art practice. Most of my work will be created away from the studio – this will enable me to be like you, maybe a novice at art practice.
Therefore, I will use what I have pens paper scrap paper recycled boxes – maybe paint or ink but only of the simple kind. My aim is not many tools or external resources (i.e. art shops)
COVD-19 poses opportunities of simplicity, it’s during a time where we can’t run down to the shops or make big messes in the kitchen. We may be sharing accommodation or in a confined unit or room.
If you would like a conversation about you art creation or art practice – text me your name, and contact details and we will start form there. +61 408978747 Let’s see how it goes.