The longest book in the world

‘The Longest Book in the World,’ is an inclusive community made concertina book, aiming for thousand meters in length. This will be achieved using low technology such as writing, drawing, collage and sewing. The City of Greater Geelong aims to beat the last recorded length of 814.26 metres, by Yang Shuanming , China in 2019 – Guiness Book of Records.

The focus is of our favourite places/spots, flora and fauna in the City of Greater Geelong. Creatives of all ages and abilities are invited to join local artist Fern Smith to help create the longest book in the world, page by page, at workshops in libraries, community spaces and studios. This bold project is environmentally friendly and sustainable.

The project is kindly supported by Geelong Regional Libraries who provide project space at their regional libraries and publish events; Geelong Writers Inc who publish coming events; Bellarine Landcare Nursery and Geelong Embroiders Guild support the project by providing workshops. We hope to achieve our aim by November 2025.

A spectacular day was had: All staff Day (Geelong Regional Libraries) workshop on the top floor with 160 participants for one hour. I didn’t use my phone or camera on the day. Here is linked snap shop of their contribution and part of my introductory speech.


All participating creatives are acknowledged as authors and illustrators in the appendix. Longest Book in the World is an environmentally safe project. Some workshops you can book – Click on library link, or you can drop – in on at the scheduled time. Some libraries post internally and not on their event page.

17th 3pm-4 Ocean Grove
20th 10am – noon Belmont Library
21st Drysdale Primary School (not public)
26th March 3-4pm Barwon Heads Library
8th 10.30-noon Dome/Geelong Library Level 2 (School Holiday program)
9th 10-11am Geelong West Library
10th 10am-noon Belmont Library
11th 1- 3pm Armstrong Library
15th 10 am-Noon Belmont Library
16th 10-11am Geelong West Library
17th 10.30- noon Level 1 Dome/Geelong Library (School Holiday program)
24th 2-3pm Queenscliff Library
3rd 10.30am – 1pm Bannockburn
8th 10.30 am- noon Geelong/Dome library
10th 10.30 am-12 –Boranggook-Drysdale Library
14th 10.30 am – 12 Ingenia Lifestyle Village Lara (residents only)
20-23th Open ecco printing at artist’s studio – book through the query section at the bottom of this page and you will be contacted within 10 days
JUNE – break –
9th 10-11am Geelong West Library
16th 10-11am Geelong West Library
15th 10.30- noon level 1 Dome/Geelong Library (School Holiday program)
24th 10.30- noon level 1 Dome/ Geelong Library (School Holiday program)
7th 11am – noon Lara Library
12-14th Geelong Embroiders Guild exhibition -Geelong West Hall – longest Book will be on display more information coming in a few months.
23rd 10.30- noon level 1 Dome/Geelong Library (School Holiday program)
24th 10-11am Geelong West Library
1st 10-11am Geelong West Library
1st 2.30 -4pm level 1 Dome/Geelong Library (School Holiday program)

Follow, immediate updates and cancellationsFaceBook:

Journal log found here to be updated to reflect 2024
Tiny sample of Participants work: Embroidery, lino print, drawing, collage and writing.

QUERY: Send a text message to 0408978747. Leave your name and short query or fill out form at the bottom of this page. There have been a lot of queries on how to make the eco-friendly glue. Here is the link.