To create the interactive immersive installation is the sum of thousands of individual artistic objects by the Moreland Community.
WHAT: The Sea is Sinking was a participatory art installation of an imagined underwater environment, inspired by Port Phillip Bay marine life. The artworks for the installation were created by the community from a limited pallet of sustainable and environmentally friendly materials.
Visit some of the individual artworks https://fernartz.com/sea-is-sinking-individual-artworks/
View a selection of uncatalogued artworks 1 – 2 – 3
HOW: The installation was created through a series of workshops in schools, neighbourhood houses and an art studio. This project engages access to all ages and abilities from the community.
WHO: The seed of the project began early 2018 and really got going in that September when the artists and partners came on board. This project is curated by Fern Smith, in collaboration with The Creative Team (Youbi Lee, Margaret Cowling, Maggie Cowling), The Partners (Moomba Park Primary School, Coburg North Primary School Art Dept., Brunswick Neighbourhood House and Reynard Neighbourhood House.

2019: September through to October 2019 the lead artists facilitated workshops in schools and neighbourhood houses. The installation, the sum of all the parts was assembled in late November and exhibited over four days at local Merlynston Progress Hall, 1 Novian Street Coburg North 3058.
Sea is Sinking activities 2019
Friday 22nd 1.30-2.15pm: Official Opening
MC Maggie Cowling, Speakers Mayor Tapinos, Principal Maria Marchionna Moomba Park Primary School and serenaded by the MPPS Coraleers.
Saturday 23rd Noon-1pm: Round table
(Conversation with STEM Leader of Moomba Park Primary School James Crottie; lead artists Youbi Lee, Maggie Cowling Margaret Cowling and artist – curator Fern Smith – Come on ask those questions
Sunday 24th Noon-7pm: Sound waves an Open Mic experience
Come fish around with your voice or bring you instrument of choice and the hosts will plug you in – drop in a note and respond to the installation hosted by professional musicians.
Noon- 3pm Matt Sincock a composer and producer
4pm – 7pm David Holmes composer and performer
Monday 25th Noon-1pm: Shared Cup
A time to reflect on its success or limitations where to next over a cuppa tea a gentle inspirational conversation.
Monday 25th Tuesday 26th The art of investigation – how does art decompose?
Guiding principle of The Sea is Sinking was to investigate, educate and encourage creativity with the most effect environmentally sound art practice while learning and understanding our beautiful port Phillip bay. This exhibition is waterway safe and can be composted for a garden. Come and collect what you want from the exhibition on the condition you document where it goes and up load to this FB page
The Sea Is Sinking PDF for the generous participants. This little publication came at the end of a big project,
Sponsor Moreland City Council supports this project through An Activation Grant 2019 and the many times I have asked or enquired to one of the many departments within Moreland Council and Councillors.
The Public Value Studio a fledgling business has sponsored the Sound Waves Day on 24 November -Noon-7.30 pm An Open Mic day responding to the installation, hosted by Matt Sincock and David Holmes.

Go Fund Me : We achieved out target. I was honoured by the friends family and strangers who contributed via Go Fund Me a testimony of how people love community art projects and are willing to support it through their hard earned dollars. Lenka Thompson, Lish abate, Dan Wollmering, David Turnbull, Liz Round, Rebekah Jardine Williams, Jane Holroyd, Basil Smith, Ange Stock, Robin Greet, Dianne Ussher, Emma Cornish-Giles, Lucy Best, Alicia Ferris, Jack Giles, Muscle Care Myotherapy, Ruby Armstrong- Porter, Macey McMillian, Tom Skoroplas, Alan Gillard, Cara Joseph, Nicole Smith, Gemma Giles, Dianna Langsford, Andrei Smith, Susan Giles,Aminya Hep, Wendy Cooper, Tina Fiveash, Jean Evans, Gabrielle Castree, John Englart, David Holmes, Sheenagh Callahan, Ursula Dutkiewicz, Fern Smith. GoFundme
Local Business Support : Sealed Air is supporting The Sea is Sinking art project through giving their paper and cardboard waste to the project of which Moomba Park and Coburg North Primary are recipients. Find out more about Sealed Air: https://sealedair.com/sustainability/2025-sustainability-plastics-pledge
Melbourne Blinds – 662 Sydney Rd, Coburg North VIC 305 tle is supporting The Sea is Sinking project by giving their waste cylinders to the project, that form the representation of piers in the installation as Port Phillip Bay is not only home to the most concentration of seaweed in the world it is also an active bay with commercial fishing, recreational fishing, tourism and Melbourne Port the busiest container port in Australia.
Coffico are providing used hessian sacks an ideal material for the seafloor.
Did you know this well used bay is being restored by recycled shellfish .