A big thank you to Moreland Council

A big thank you for supporting the diverse arts in Moreland. You have successfully changed our city around to be a thriving art scene that people and artists are gravitating to. And a big thank you for having faith in your local artists by supporting and promoting them. We got from last count 65 likes and five shares.

Box it

What: BOX IT open group show
Artwork on, in under or over recycled boxes

When:Sunday 16th December
Opening with artist / curator Fern Smith at 2pm
Chat to the artists 2 pm – 4pm

Where:  Fernartz Studio (just google the location)

BOX IT is open daily from 13 to the 23rd December from noon to 6pm daily.

Fish and Chips

Creating art from recycled compostable material is the best. A great challenge opens you up and creates a sense of play. 

Needless to say this box is made from a recycled fish and chip container, old gift wrapping, paint rags and texta colours.


Crankies are a beautiful form of communication and hold strong resonance in the American storytelling. I stumbled upon this site and immediately fell in love. Here is my second crankie made from a small cake box.