Arts Hub – 2017 https://www.artshub.com.au/
Copyright Agency Limited – 2001 https://www.copyright.com.au/
Geelong Writers 2021 – https://www.geelongwriters.org.au/
NAVA – 2015 https://visualarts.net.au/
Writers Victoria 2021 https://writersvictoria.org.au/
Arty friends, community & where is Fern updated 2020
SARAH AYLWARD: We shared a group house and studio for about a year in Fremantle. We worked collaboratively with other artists in Five Artists The Film & Television Institute – FTI Gallery Perth WA Wood Street Gallery Fremantle Perth WA. We enjoyed being ‘artists”
Mannie De Saxe and Kendall Lovett authors of Lesbian & Gay activism in Sydney and Melbourne.
JOHN DALSEN and I met in Fremantle a little after the Cup when ‘Freeo’ was bouncing with energy and excitement. We had artist studios in the same street and admired each others work.
Maggie Chiara lives in Merlynston Maggie has a strong sense of community spirit of which I admire. Her enthusiasm and energy is incredible and occasionally I get swept up. We have such different styles I really appreciate getting to know her work and subtlety.
Cathrerine Connor: composed a fanfare for the opening of 100 years of women’s suffrage in Victoria at Parliament house and we met as we were one of the few local artists then in the hood.
Jerry Galea lives in Merlynston. We have roadside chats, the arty updates and put a hand in to local gatherings. It has fantastic getting to know Jerry and his fine artwork.
David Holmes composer and musician known since 2003 since arriving in Melbourne
Chelle Destefano I got to know Chelle through being introduced via Harry who I had met at Handsome her on New Years Eve.
SAREN DOBKIN met during an information session for artists in Moreland.
URSULA DUTKIEWICZ: We worked in collaboration on the Art of Suff-Rage 2008-2009. We have become good friends and near neighbours.
TINA FIVEASH is a photographer and friend who is now doing her Phd. I often feel as proud as punch being the person who assisted her with her portfolio to enter University to do her BA in Photography.
LESLEY THOMSON During the 1990’s we exhibited in Melbourne and Canberra together. Our work complements each other.
Sheena Mathieson I have got to know Sheena slowly over the years at various Moreland Council events in the Arts and Women in Business.
Ruby Porter partner in Darkroom Noir and exhibted at lid it 2017 at FernArtz studio.
Angela Stock a local in Merlynston and is and emerging artist and active in the Merlynston community. She has big ideas and can get them to work.
WOLF is a digital, paper artist and old friend, we facebook each other from time to time now. We met in Canberra and exhibited at ANCA with a group of artists who formed a casual group where we would talked art, ‘show & tell’ our recent work and supported each other with our art practice and general well being.
Communities Organisations Galleries and Busynesses
Ancedote – started by my brother-in-law Shawn Callahan. He and Ancedote have helped and supported me as an artist, friend and in-law.
CAL Copyright agency is there for all artists in Australia. If you consider yourself a serious artist, then become a member it is free and they work for you.
National Gallery of Victoria a great membership deal, supporting art in Victoria.
WEL Going since 1972 promoting women to vote and be in position of influence
LWVV Supporting women in parliament and has an educative role
Counihan Gallery in Brunswick holds a group show showcasing local artists of Moreland – the gallery has just been refurbished – displays its collection and features artists who will create conversation on what is art. Go have a peek if in Brunswick.
Social Media
Twitter (occasional use)
Facebook (frequent)
Pinrest (when doing projects)
Instagram AGLA (stopped using it for now)
Blog Spot (fernsmith) (occasional use)
Blog spot (Fernartz) (occasional use)
LinkedIn ( occasional use )
Mobile: +61 408978747 (text is the best way for a query as first port of call provide you name, query)
All pages copyrighted. For release permissions go to: https://www.copyright.com.au