
disEaseHCV: The aim of the body of work was to break down the stereotypes and exclusions that HCV presented at the time circa 2004-6. How I approached the project was to form partnerships with the Hepatitis C council in Melbourne and Sydney, the research and educative arm of the Alfred Hospital and the State Government. I worked closely with people and their stories and drew from the world wide research, collaborations and analysis from academic and medical papers to visually interpret the disease and represent the impact of HCV.

The outcome was 10 interactive oil paintings on boards/thin boxes, that opened like a book. This provided a story of the subjects life the externally and internally. The front or first image you see is in monotones which gives way /opens up to the rich internal life.

This was the first exhibition in the world that critically analyzed and visually interpreted the impact of HCV on people and the life of the virus. The exhibition was launched by the then  Minister for Health Bronwyn Pike,  during Hepatitis C week.

In addition individuals living with the disease were offered the opportunity to tell their stories, which were presented as part of this exhibition. Fern also advocated for improving the lives of people living with HCV by being a face and speaking out in the media. The disEaseHCV booklet was available online, at not cost until 2006. If you wish to obtain a copy please fill in the contact form of your request with your name and email.

Thank fully greater awareness and acceptance appears to have occurred since disEase HCV (2004-2005)


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