Weaving at Koorie Heritage Trust

My first weave

On Friday I crossed into Federation Square as Barnaby Joyce announced his resignation as Deputy Prime Minster, that put a skip into my step. I was heading toward a weaving workshop hosted by Koorie Heritage Trust. The workshop facilitator , Donna Blackall  of Yorta Yorta/Taungurung, got my thumbs weaving, first attempt. Wow did I love it or what.:)

Lots of great events can be found here very accessible. http://koorieheritagetrust.com.au/whats-on/public-programs-and-events/

Medallion workshop Sunday 25/02/2018

I am holding medallion workshop they will be crazy and zany – from recycled materials, beads, sequins, card paint we will throw everything onto them loosely based on the suffrage badges of 1890’s-1910 at JS studio’s this Sunday 25 February.  Drop in or stay for the day.

JSStudio – 25th Feb 2018 10-3
Fern Smith as Suffragist 2008 IWD handing out Art of Suffrage news papers – note handmade suffrage badge

Art facilitation

Two days a week I facilitate art practice with  3 groups of people with mental and physical health challenges. I feel as if we learn together sharing knowledge. Their art work and practice is free and expressive. After easter they will be holding a little private soiree for friends and family. We are all getting a bit excited.